
master# hostnamectl set-hostname qmaster.local

master# vi /etc/hosts  qmaster.local qmaster  compute01.local compute01

master# mkdir -p /BiO/src

master# yum -y install epel-release

master# yum -y install jemalloc-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel pam-devel libXmu-devel hwloc-devel hwloc hwloc-libs java-devel javacc ant-junit libdb-devel motif-devel csh ksh xterm db4-utils perl-XML-Simple perl-Env xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi

master# groupadd -g 490 sgeadmin

master# useradd -u 495 -g 490 -r -m  -d /home/sgeadmin -s /bin/bash -c "SGE Admin" sgeadmin

master# visudo

%sgeadmin       ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

master# cd /BiO/src

master# wget http://arc.liv.ac.uk/downloads/SGE/releases/8.1.9/sge-8.1.9.tar.gz

master# tar zxvfp sge-8.1.9.tar.gz

master# cd sge-8.1.9/source/

master# sh scripts/bootstrap.sh && ./aimk && ./aimk -man

master# export SGE_ROOT=/BiO/gridengine && mkdir $SGE_ROOT

master# echo Y | ./scripts/distinst -local -allall -libs -noexit

master# chown -R sgeadmin.sgeadmin /BiO/gridengine

master# cd  $SGE_ROOT

master# ./install_qmaster

press enter at the intro screen

press "y" and then specify sgeadmin as the user id

leave the install dir as /BiO/gridengine

You will now be asked about port configuration for the master, normally you would choose the default (2) which uses the /etc/services file

accept the sge_qmaster info

You will now be asked about port configuration for the master, normally you would choose the default (2) which uses the /etc/services file

accept the sge_execd info

leave the cell name as "default"

Enter an appropriate cluster name when requested

leave the spool dir as is

press "n" for no windows hosts!

press "y" (permissions are set correctly)

press "y" for all hosts in one domain

If you have Java available on your Qmaster and wish to use SGE Inspect or SDM then enable the JMX MBean server and provide the requested information - probably answer "n" at this point!

press enter to accept the directory creation notification

enter "classic" for classic spooling (berkeleydb may be more appropriate for large clusters)

press enter to accept the next notice

enter "20000-20100" as the GID range (increase this range if you have execution nodes capable of running more than 100 concurrent jobs)

accept the default spool dir or specify a different folder (for example if you wish to use a shared or local folder outside of SGE_ROOT

enter an email address that will be sent problem reports

press "n" to refuse to change the parameters you have just configured

press enter to accept the next notice

press "y" to install the startup scripts

press enter twice to confirm the following messages

press "n" for a file with a list of hosts

enter the names of your hosts who will be able to administer and submit jobs (enter alone to finish adding hosts)

skip shadow hosts for now (press "n")

choose "1" for normal configuration and agree with "y"

press enter to accept the next message and "n" to refuse to see the previous screen again and then finally enter to exit the installer

master# cp /BiO/gridengine/default/common/settings.sh /etc/profile.d/

master# qconf -ah compute01.local

compute01.local added to administrative host list

master# yum -y install nfs-utils

master# vi /etc/exports


master# systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server 

master# systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server  

compute01# yum -y install hwloc-devel

compute01# hostnamectl set-hostname compute01.local

compute01# vi /etc/hosts  qmaster.local qmaster  compute01.local compute01

compute01# groupadd -g 490 sgeadmin

compute01# useradd -u 495 -g 490 -r -m  -d /home/sgeadmin -s /bin/bash -c "SGE Admin" sgeadmin

compute01# yum -y install nfs-utils

compute01# systemctl start rpcbind 

compute01# systemctl enable rpcbind 

compute01# mkdir /BiO

compute01# mount -t nfs /BiO

compute01# vi /etc/fstab  /BiO                   nfs     defaults        0 0

compute01# export SGE_ROOT=/BiO/gridengine

compute01# export SGE_CELL=default

compute01# cd $SGE_ROOT

compute01# ./install_execd

compute01# cp /BiO/gridengine/default/common/settings.sh /etc/profile.d/


'HPC > Sun Grid Engine' 카테고리의 다른 글

[SGE] SGE 설치, 구성, 삭제등(템플릿 활용)  (0) 2017.08.09
[SGE] qlogin X11 forwarding  (0) 2016.10.13
[SGE] GPU 사용 등록  (0) 2015.10.22
[SGE] Submitting jobs - Simple submission  (0) 2015.10.16
[SGE] Managing Resource Quotas  (0) 2013.07.16
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