
# qstat -f

all.q@compute-0-37.local       BIP   0/0/4          0.17     lx26-amd64    E


# qmod -c '*'

Queue instance "all.q@compute-0-28.local" is already in the specified state: no error

root@cluster.kobic.re.kr changed state of "all.q@compute-0-37.local" (no error)
Queue instance "all.q@compute-0-48.local" is already in the specified state: no error


# qstat -f

all.q@compute-0-37.local       BIP   0/0/4          0.17     lx26-amd64    


'HPC > Sun Grid Engine' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[SGE} SGE BASH, CSH  (0) 2012.08.10
[SGE] SGE 우선순위  (0) 2012.08.10
[SGE] qhold, qrls  (0) 2012.08.10
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