
1.1. Re-install a Compute-0-0

# ssh-agent $SHELL

# shoot-node compute-0-0

1.2. Forcing a Re-install at Next PXE Boot(compute-0-0)

# rocks set host boot compute-0-0 action=install

# rocks list host boot

HOST         ACTION 

isc:            -------

compute-0-0: install

compute-0-1: os

# ssh compute-0-0 "sync;shutdown -r now"

2.1 Re-install All Compute Nodes

# rocks run host /boot/kickstart/cluster-kickstart

2.2 Forcing a Re-install at Next PXE Boot(All Compute Nodes)

# rocks set host boot compute action=install

# rocks list host boot

HOST         ACTION 

icluster:       -------

compute-0-1: install

compute-0-0: install

# rocks run host "sync;shutdown -r now"

2.3 스크립트
#! /bin/bash 
for node in `rocks list host | grep compute | cut -f 1 -d :` 
        rocks set host boot $node action=install 
        rocks run host $node "sync;shutdown -r now"


'HPC > Rocks Clusters' 카테고리의 다른 글

로그인 노드 설치  (0) 2012.07.04
Adding Packages to Compute Nodes  (0) 2012.07.04
Enabling RSH on Compute Nodes  (0) 2012.06.10
Changing the Root password - Compute nodes  (0) 2012.06.10
노드 자동 재설치 비활성화  (0) 2012.06.10
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